Adele Nicoll
Shot Put & Bobsleigh
How I Started
I was a very athletic child that competed in almost every event. After competing at school in multiple sports I committed myself to Shot Put and sprinting as I started to see that my talents lay in these sports. After a while, I also dropped sprinting to focus on Shot Put as I was seeing significant improvements in my throws and beating personal and county records incredibly quickly.My Greatest Achievement
My greatest achievement is not only making it to bobsleigh but going to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics as a reserve for the Women’s Bobsleigh team. I was contacted by my fellow Sports For Champions athlete Mica McNeill, who had seen some of the videos on my Instagram account of my training. Mica expressed interest in having me join her filling the role of brake-woman. During the 2020-2021 season, I retrained to fit the stipulations of Bobsleigh and lost almost 20kg to fill the position!Mica and I went on to be the first British women to medal in Bobsleigh for 13 years! Proving that not only are Britain still front runners in the Bobsleigh discipline but also that you can do it without full funding from the National Lottery!
My Greatest Challenge
My greatest challenge was the switch between Shot Put and Bobsleigh. I had reduced my weight to be able to fit into the optimum operating weight as Bobsleigh relies a lot on you being the correct weight to ensure you can get as much out of your run as possible.By the end of the cut, I had lost 20kg, but was more than happy to be eligible for the role!