Hey to all reading this…
Allow me to introduce myself… My name is Issa Batrane, British Beach Volleyball athlete and Youth Mentor at Sports For Champions UK (CIC).
Together, SFC and I educate, enable, and empower youth at The Hague and in the United Kingdom.
With the world currently in a state of flux with COVID-19, that is to say with all sporting events and competitions now cancelled/postponed, now seems like the best time to give people something to read and keep our minds active (as well as our bodies).
As such, I thought I’d share a piece of my story…
Beach volleyball has been the main thing in life that has given me – both – some of my best days and some of my worst; but without it and the drive produced by sport, I probably would not have gone to university or travelled – I’d have never done as much in my life! I say this at the grand old age of 24.
Having been given the opportunity to play at my local school as a youth, moreover having athletes come in to visit and inspire me (the way I now inspire young people with Sports For Champions UK), I wanted to give something back by getting to a point where I could somehow bring value to the next generation, and help them to succeed in all aspects of life.
Whether it be sport or education-based, that doesn’t matter. My drive to empower youth aims to see them become more prosperous than those that came before them and failed for lack of inspiration and personal drive. This is something I am very passionate about, and if that can involve the sport of beach volleyball I‘m even happier.
Give ‘Beach Volley’ a try if you need to change your scene, make new friends, or simply step out of your comfort zone in sport! Get in-touch with SFC and they will gladly help you find a reputable local club @Sports4Champs.
During these uncertain times I would love to hopefully still have my sport of beach volleyball inspire more people to keep active and healthy! Be sure to visit YouTube and Google to search videos from the sport and see just how much fun it is – and at every level!
There are many fun exercises you can do at home, indoors, in the garden, even on your sofa(!), so why not give it a go and see if it’s something your friends might like! Don’t worry if you don’t have a volleyball, as many of our more exciting exercises can be done with a football, a balloon, anything that resembles a ball really!
Post a video on social media and tag myself and SFC so that we can share your story across the world of sport and local communities. We love to see what you are all doing to stay active at home – with or without lockdown! So keep in-touch and let’s share your achievements and motivate others together.
For now, stay safe, keep healthy and remain at home. Together, we can inspire great outcomes during lockdown by sharing new ideas and fun from our experiences at home… Such communications are what help us to stay mentally engaged and get through these difficult times.
Wishing you all the best… and the utmost in good health.
Until next time!
@IssaBatrane @BeachTeamGB